Juice Burst Apple 500ml is a refreshing and wholesome beverage choice, offering the natural goodness of apples in every bottle. This premium juice drink is crafted from concentrated apple juice, delivering a delightful burst of authentic apple flavour. Each 500ml bottle conveniently provides one of your recommended five daily servings of fruits and vegetables, making it a simple and delicious way to support a balanced diet. Juice Burst Apple is proudly vegan-friendly, ensuring it can be enjoyed by those following a plant-based lifestyle. With no added sugar, this beverage allows the natural sweetness of the apples to shine through, while still providing the satisfaction of a flavorful drink. Rest assured, Juice Burst Apple contains no artificial colors, flavours, or sweeteners – just straightforward, no-nonsense refreshment. Whether enjoyed as a standalone treat or paired with a meal, Juice Burst Apple 500ml offers a nourishing and invigorating experience for any time of day.
Apple Juice from Concentrate (95%), Water, Natural Flavouring, Preservative: Potassium Sorbate
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